Position Title
Project Manager
Tarrah Henrie, a Senior Water Process Scientist with Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC. Prior to joining Corona, Tarrah was the Manager of Water Quality for California Water Service (Cal Water). She has extensive experience in non-treatment options, including blending, well modification and status change, as well as treatment options for many water quality constituents, including nitrate. Currently Tarrah is leading the Proposition 50 funded research project, in Willows California, to optimize Strong Base Anion Exchange treatment for hexavalent chromium removal. Tarrah is the Chairwoman of the AWWA inorganic committee, and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Water Utility Council. She worked with ACWA, CWA and CA/NV AWWA on Senate Bill 385, which allows water utilities 5 years to come into compliance with the hexavalent chromium MCL.