Rio Bravo Greeley School

Rio Bravo-Greeley is located 12 miles west of Bakersfield, California, in an area that is predominantly farmland and oil related businesses. The school district has a long tradition of educational excellence, which was established 115 years ago. There are two schools which contain grades K-4 and 5-8 with self-contained classes at the 5th grade and a middle school format for grades 6-8.

Our plan is to locate the new treatment plant building next to the existing pump station and storage tank as illustrated below:

Nitrate and 123TCP groundwater contamination need to be treated at Rio Bravo Greeley. We have selected granular activated carbon for 123TCP followed by ion exchange for nitrates in a centralized treatment facility; both treatment methods are qualified as ‘best available technologies’ with well understood performance monitoring and maintenance requirements. For further reading on nitrates and 123TCP refer to our guidance notes: